Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Tribute to Alzheimer's Caregivers

Please go visit My Blog by Cammie today. She has the most incredible tribute for her Grandmother, who passed away from complications of Alzheimer's Disease. What a terrible thing to have to experience in your family. When I was in high school, my friend and I did a project on Alzheimer's and spent one day at an adult care facility that worked with Alzheimer's patients. It was devastating to see families come to visit and not even be recognized. My heart goes out to Carolyn and her family.

To celebrate World Alzheimer's Day (September 21), Carolyn is giving away a fantastic bundle of blog candy. To enter, just make a card for a caregiver of a person affected by Alzheimer's and follow her other instructions. You have a chance to bring a smile to the face of a caregiver, and a chance to win fabulous goodies yourself.

Here's my card, to be sent to the Artman Home that is mentioned on Carolyn's blog. It's a simple card, but I hope it brings a moment of warmth to the recipient. What caregivers do is truly amazing and it takes a special kind of person to be in that field. I made Bella's ribbon purple, because that is the awareness color for Alzheimer's. The yellow layer is Cuttlebugged with Birds and Swirls and the ribbon actually matches the card base, and is not as blue as it looks in the photo.
Thanks for looking!

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