Sunday, December 28, 2008

Too Much Christmas?

Well, the original plan was to spend Christmas home with just DH, DS, and I.  Turns out that I was feeling homesick and we decided on Christmas Eve (around 9pm) that we would drive to New Hampshire and surprise my family on Christmas Day.  I called my brother and told him to keep my parents at their house until we called to say we were closer.  Since it's a 5 1/2 hour drive, we opened our presents from Santa at home and then were packed and on the road by 10:30 am.  

It was great to see my family.  I didn't realize that it has been over 5 years since I have spent Christmas Day with them.  DS got to play with his cousins and having us there was a great surprise for my mom.
Since I have not gotten to my stamp room in the past few days, and I have to return to work, here is the summation of our Christmas.  It is a photo of DS yesterday as we were on our way from my brother's house to our best friends' house to meet their brand new baby girl.  I turned around to talk to him and he couldn't even answer me, he was so wiped out...

PS - photo taken with my new Sony A300 camera!  I am having so much fun with it and writing this post from my new MacBook.  

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